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Spoleto 2022/Piccolo Spoleto 2022


Craft Fair/Outdoor Art Exhibition

Dates: May 27-29, June 4-6 (Craft Show) • May 28 - June 12 (Outdoor Art Exhibit
Both of these exhibits are geared mostly towards your parents but I saw a few kids hanging around too. If you are interested in arts and crafts as well as fine paintings, this is definitely up your alley! Think of it like an art museum or a traveling exhibit except that you don’t get charged admission! Many of the artists have kids (or grandkids) of their own and were more than happy to chat. Remember that Southern hospitality I mentioned earlier? 

Ballet Encore

This was an amazing show for anyone who would be interested in ballet or were dancers themselves. Seeing that I am neither, I still enjoyed watching the ballet and learned quite a bit about the dance itself from when I spoke to Unity Phelan, one of the principal dancers of the New York Ballet. 


Despite a program change that night due to an injury, the show was pretty good!  Two thumbs up!


P.S. For you music fans, I even attached a list of the songs they danced to in the show. 


Q+A with Unity Phelan, Principal Dancer 

Machine de Cirque

Machine de Cirque is very different from any other Cirque I've been to before. No crazy people dressed in clown makeup or any elephants. Instead, it's a group of people dressed in greys and blacks (and one person dressed in purple who plays the saxophone, clarinet, and one other instrument that I'm not familiar with) doing acrobats, throwing popcorn at each other, and various other death-defying stunts. Okay, well, maybe not THAT death-defying. If it were death-defying, people would probably be set on fire or something. 

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