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Charleston can be a lot of fun to explore! With endless museums, a lot of beaches, and gardens, a kid can have a lot of fun in Charleston. While I didn't have time to explore everything, I put down the top highlights of my trip to Charleston! Hope you guys enjoy!


Carriage Drive Through the City

Carriage drives through the city can be a lot of fun! You don’t have to walk and you can see a lot of Charleston in a very unique way that not many other cities offer. Don’t forget to bring your camera ! And don’t worry, parents. Charleston’s experienced horse/barn owners make sure that the horses are well-taken care of with plenty of food and LOTS of water!


Lots of fun stuff to find here too! From petting and feeding stingrays to watching turtles, there is no limit on the amount of fun. While it is a small aquarium, there is plenty to do here! For little ones under 5, there are plenty of quiet areas as well so if it gets overwhelming they can go outside for a brief (supervised) break. 


City Market

This place has everything a kid could want from handmade soaps to toys to homemade sweet grass baskets, a Charleston tradition that dates back to the 1700s. The market itself is four blocks long and is a lot of fun! Just make sure you bring some money with you to buy something cool!



Fort Sumter

With the boat entrance next door to the aquarium, Fort Sumter is where the Confederacy fired on the Union in 1861, beginning the Civil War. Okay, history lesson over. The only way to access the Fort is by boat, and the ride over has a great view of the harbor and the U.S.S. Yorktown. Rangers are on hand to provide answers to any questions you may have

It’s a bit of a trek to get here but it is definitely worth it! From a museum honoring Medal of Honor recipients to touring the most-decorated WWII US Destroyer ever, both the U.S.S Yorktown and the U.S.S Laffey have lots of fun facts hidden everywhere. Definitely plan on being here at least 3 hours to see the entire museum, possibly more, and be prepared for ladders (and cookies!).



The Charleston Museum/Joseph Menigault House/Heyward-Washington House

I know, I know. It’s another history museum about, you guessed it, Charleston. But hey, it is a lot of fun! There’s even a kid’s section at the Charleston Museum where you can learn about life in time eras as well as view a very impressive Madame Alexander doll collection. It’s also tied to both the Heyward-Washington House and Joseph Menigault House as well, so if you decide you want to learn more about historic houses and see some interesting stuff from various eras.


"We have great collegial relationships with all the cultural attractions around here and all of our great sites individually, but no one has what we have to offer in terms o three dimensional objects that people can really get a sense of, of what history was like or what Charleston was, like 250 years ago, or 150 years ago. That's what really sets us apart."


--Carl Borick, Director of the Charleston Museum


Farmer's Market at Marion Square

From April to November every Saturday in Marion Square, a Farmers Market is held here. While it is similar to the City Market in terms of what they sell, it is usually held outside. Go pick up some fresh fruit or even a pretty printed picture, this Farmer’s Market has everything you could want in terms of local souvenirs! And it is a great way to help support small businesses! 


“Growing plants and vegetables is a very good learning activity and it’s very fun to do. [Going on farm tours] is always fun to go on.” —Trinity, age 14.



For more information, including pictures and video, feel free to check out the Instagram page! 

White Point Gardens

This place is one of my favorite gardens to visit here. It’s not too far from the Pineapple Fountain and it has lots of cool trees with all sorts of birds. While there is no climbing allowed, it definitely has an Alice in Wonderland feel to it. You can also see the ocean and even have fun playing monkey in the middle with your dad’s hat. After all, before technology was a thing, playing outside was the coolest thing ever!

Old Exchange/Provost Dungeon

This was the first time I had ever been to a dungeon and it was definitely an interesting experience. Built back in the 1700s, this dungeon was used to house prisoners from both sides of the war. Apart from learning about Charleston in the colonial era, you get to see prisoner conditions during the Revolutionary War era. You can sign the Declaration of Independence too!



The Powder Magazine

This is one of the oldest buildings in Charleston and has a history dating back to the days of the pirates. This museum is very small, but hosts a fascinating history. With live demos, games and plenty of historical facts, this place is definitely an interesting place to go if you like colonial history (or if you like the Felicity books from American Girl like me).​

The Gibbes Museum

Apart from historic paintings and photography, this place is very relaxing and a perfect way to spend a rainy day. It also has several classrooms for kids and adults who come for art classes!
Don't forget to check out the gift shop as well--a lot of nifty stuff here, including locally-made jewelry.


Bonus: The Children's Museum of the Lowcountry is a lot of fun too! While I couldn't go inside myself, there are lots of activities for kids to do here! Just check out the website!


For more photos and interviews, check out Charleston 4 Kids' Instagram page!

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